Friday Youth at Auburn Youth Group

Friday Youth at Auburn Youth Group
Fellowship | Friends | Food | Fun | Weekly 6pm
ABC - WDCCC (16 Harrow Rd, Auburn NSW 2144)

Auburn Youth Group also has regular Friday Youth activities for young people. These are semi-formal occasions for the youth to bond and share fellowship together through the Word of God, games, dinner and other activities. Friday Youth is held week during school terms and is usually in the hall at ABC/WDCCC.

Time: 6pm to 9pm (including dinner)
For high school aged youth.

It is advisable to contact Auburn Youth Group to confirm the location and time of Friday Youth as we have excursions to off-site locations e.g. basketball/community dinner at Mona Park

For more information, please visit our website or email
If you would like to receive SMS updates, please message us your mobile number.

Church/religious organization